The Fairview Lakes Regional Medical Center: Creating and Establishing a New Health Care Model

Oct 01, 1998

New models for delivering health care services are being established— models that offer substantial benefits to both health care professionals and the patients they serve. The Fairview Lakes Regional Medical Center in Wyoming, Minnesota, located approximately 50 miles from the Twin Cities, is one such example. The facility integrates preventative care, outpatient services, and inpatient services into a single facility. This new model has resulted in a highly productive environment for staff and a comforting and secure oasis for patients and their families. This article addresses the driving forces, planning, and design process that inspired a health care facility model. Other health care providers and their facility designers will be able to gain valuable insight into how health care services may be delivered in the future.

Scott Wordelman (Fairview Redwing Health Center)
Donald K. Lemonds, AIA (JMGR Inc.)
Howard Goltz, AIA (Setter, Leach & Lindstrom, Inc)
The Academy Journal of the Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH)
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
The American Institute of Architects

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