Outpatient / Ambulatory Care Facilities

Jan 01, 2007

Healthcare is becoming one of the US’s largest services and the need for extended healthcare facilities and its real estate development potential is great. At the same time, the healthcare industry faces the challenges of increasing competition, the need to innovate and overcome cash constraints. As traditional stand‐alone acute care hospitals are replaced by multiple building campuses and multi state operations, increasingly complex demands are being placed on the real estate assets of the healthcare industry. Changes in healthcare infrastructure are under way to achieve the goal of offering the full spectrum of healthcare facilities as baby boomer demand rise. New technology and regulations are driving the need for new or remodeled space. New model for the delivery of healthcare services is emerging. Physicians and consumers are driving this evolution, which calls for more comfortable facilities, more efficient operations, convenient locations, and most importantly, consumer focused. This emerging delivery model is creating opportunities to develop a new type of healthcare real estate, containing the following unique elements: partnerships with regional developers and national healthcare operators; physician ownership of the business operations or an affiliation with a hospital New projects typically involve complicated issues concerning real estate acquisition; planning, design and construction and financing, as well as disposition of redundant facilities, downsizing, and relocating.

Cathryn Bang
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
CATHRYN BANG + PARTNERS New York Healthcare Architecture Planning Interiors

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