Project profile: University of California, Merced 2009 Long Range Development Plan

Apr 30, 2012

Located on an 815-acre site in California's fastest growing region, the University of California, Merced’s 2009 Long Range Development Plan creates a 21st century urban framework for the University of California’s first new campus in 40 years. The plan was adopted by the Regents of the University of California in March 2009.

The plan’s approach embraces economic, social and environmental sustainability in all aspects of its built environment, operations and approach to programming. The foundation for the plan is a campus that has already achieved remarkable results:
-LEED Gold minimum for all structures
-First-generation students make up 52% of the student body while 47% come from low income backgrounds.
-Campus buildings use 50% less energy and 40% less water than comparable projects.
-An onsite photovoltaic solar farm generates 20% of annual and 60% of peak electricity needs.
-Enrollment has increased 525% within the first five years of operation.

In 2020, when enrollment reaches 10,000, UC Merced will be the first zero-net-energy, zero-waste and zero-net-emissions campus in America. At full buildout, the 25,000 student campus will house 50% of its student body on a car-free, pedestrian-oriented campus edged by 30,000 acres of permanently preserved vernal pool grasslands.
(2012 AIA/COTE Top Ten Green Projects recipient)

AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE)
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
The American Institute of Architects

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