Lighting performance entails balancing visual comfort for all users with energy efficiency.
Title | Date | Author |
Brightness in Visual Field at Borderline Between Comfort and Discomfort (BDC) | Nov 01, 1949 | Matthew Luckiesh, Sylvester K. Guth |
Brightness Discrimination Data for the Specification of Quantity of Illumination | Nov 01, 1952 | H. Richard Blackwell |
Biological Implications of Artificial Illumination | Oct 01, 1968 | Richard J. Wurtman |
Bertschi School Living Science Building | Nov 01, 2012 | Whole Building Design Guide, a program of the National Institute of Building Sciences |
Auto-tuning Daylight with LEDs: Sustainable Lighting for Health and Wellbeing | Mar 27, 2013 | Eugenia V. Ellis (Drexel University), Elizabeth W. Gonzalez (Drexel University), David A. Kratzer (Philadelphia University), Donald L. McEachron (Drexel University), Greg Yeutter (Drexel University) |
Assessment of Brightness | Apr 01, 1957 | R. G. Hopkinson |
Architecture for Low Vision: Site Building, and Interior Design | Jan 10, 2013 | Stuart L.Knoop, FAIA (OKKS Studios, Inc.) |
Architecture and Neuroscience: Towards Spatial Atmosphere and Sensory Experience in a Phenomenology-based Design Methodology | Sep 23, 2016 | Ana Luisa Rolim (UNICAP; Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; Coletivo-rt Architecture and Interiors), Robson Canuto (Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP)) |
Application Distance Photometry | Jan 01, 1990 | Steve Stannard, John Brass |
Analysis of Low-energy Envelope and Lighting Measures for Single-family Dwellings in the West Indies | Apr 06, 2015 | Cynthia Wilson (The Catholic University of America), Hyojin Kim (The Catholic University of America) |
An Iodine Incandescent Lamp with Virtually 100 Percent Lumen Maintenance | Dec 01, 1959 | E. G. Zubler, F. A. Mosby |
Aluminum for Reflectors | May 01, 1934 | Junius D. Edwards |
Accurate Maintenance Factors - Part Two (Luminaire Dirt Depreciation) | Jan 01, 1966 | Francis Clark |
Accurate Maintenance Factors | Mar 01, 1963 | Francis Clark |
A Versatile Method of Calculating Illumination and Brightness | Feb 01, 1959 | B. F. Jones, J. R. Jones |
A Research-Based Environment: A NICU That Feels Like Home | Oct 01, 1998 | Susan T. Williams, AIA (E. Lynn App Architects, Inc.), Cynthia A. Burger, RN, BSN (The Children's Medical Center, Dayton, OH) |
A Procedure for Calculating the Potential Savings in Lighting Energy from the Use of Skylights | Jul 01, 1977 | Joseph B. Murdoch |
A New Scale of Relative Footcandles for the Luckiesh-Moss Visibility Meter | Apr 01, 1950 | Matthew Luckiesh, S. K. Guth, A. A. Eastman |
A New Metal Halide Arc Lamp | Feb 01, 1965 | J. F. Waymouth, W. C. Gungle, J. M. Harris, F. Koury |
A New Approach to Lighting System Control | Oct 01, 1976 | T. K. McGowan, G. E. Feiker |
A Lumen Method of Daylighting Design | Jan 01, 1953 | R. L. Biesele, Jr., W. J. Arner, E. W. Conover |
A Guide to Methodology Procedures for Measuring Subjective Impressions in Lighting | Jan 01, 1979 | John E. Flynn, AIA/FIES, Clyde Hendrick, Terry Spencer, Osyp Martyniuk |
A General Illuminance Model for Daylight Availability | Jul 01, 1984 | Gary Gillette, William Pierpoint, Stephen Treado |
A Flattery Index for Artificial Illuminants | Oct 01, 1967 | Deane B. Judd |
A Field Evaluation of Pavement Luminance and Glaremark | Oct 01, 1975 | Merle E. Keck, Herbert A. Odle |