Advances in Post-Occupancy Evaluation Methods

Jan 01, 1988

Advances in post-occupancy evaluation (POE) applications are looked at from two points of view. First. recent developments are observed and, second, those developments that may represent advances for the field are identified. Developments in POE applications include an apparent increase in the volume and acceptance of POEs, shifts in the sponsorship of POEs, and changes in the types of POE programs that are run by some sponsors. Possible advances include the integration of behavioral and technical assessments, moving toward the application of "total building performance." Other changes due to sponsor demands include a growing awareness of "bottom line" measures of performance in POE. Possible changes due to experience with large scale POE programs which may also advance the field include the development of greater sophistication in dealing with organizational issues and the clearer discrimination of multiple levels of POE.

Jay Farbstein (Jay Farbstein & Associates)
EDRA19/1988 Proceedings
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Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA)

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