Building Information Models and Model Views

Nov 05, 2007

In the last few years, we have seen a great deal of marketing and press about Building Information Modeling (BIM). By now, most people in the industry must have a vague understanding of what BIM is, but may find some additional background, some specific examples, and more detail about how BIMs will improve quality, reduce costs, and enable new business processes should be of interest to most. This is the first in a two-part article
that will provide background about the evolution of building modeling concepts and systems, why product neutral BIMs are important, and how such BIMs will enable intelligent data sharing and enable the AECO industries to realize the kinds of efficiencies and quality improvements enjoyed by manufacturing industries today. Part 1 of this article provides background on building modeling, the larger context of product models, and initiatives to define a global standard for BIMs. Part 2 of this article will introduce the notion of Model Views, which are much like database views, how these views are defined, and how they will ensure predictable interoperability experience when used for exchange of BIM data between applications

Richard See, Managing Director, Digital Alchemy
Journal of Building Information Modeling (JBIM) National Institute of Building Sciences
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
buildingSMART alliance (National Institute of Building Sciences)

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