A Green Community Wellness Center: Expanding the Scope of Design for Health

Oct 01, 2006

This paper will present both the process and project including the vision, goals, program, green design principles, and the final design proposal for a green wellness center. The overriding architectural goal of the project was to create a physical environment that clearly imbues the center’s philosophy of care delivery—one that emphasizes holistic health and health promotion at individual, community, and global levels. To fully serve its inherent health mission at all levels of health consideration, the center aims to employ both green design and green operational strategies.

The Academy Journal is published by the AIA Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH). The Journal is the official publication of the AAH and explores subjects of interest to AIA-AAH members and to others involved in the fields of healthcare architecture, planning, design and construction.

Dina Battisto, PhD, March (Clemson University)
David Allison, AIA, ACHA (Clemson University)
Linda Crew, RN, MBA (Joseph F. Sullivan Center, Clemson University)
The Academy Journal of the Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH)
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
The American Institute of Architects

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