Holistic Approach to Achieving Low Energy High-Rise Residential Buildings

Apr 13, 2015

This paper utilizes the current common construction practices for concrete-framed, high-rise residential buildings in heating dominated climates (ASHRAE Zones 4 to 7) as a baseline to evaluate the impact of the interconnected variables related to reducing overall heating energy use. The objective is to weigh the impact of individual improvements against integrated bundles of measures to develop a roadmap and a better understanding of a practical path towards low energy, high-rise residential buildings. The paper focuses on solutions related to building envelope performance but from a holistic perspective that recognizes the interaction and contribution of mechanical systems typical of this construction type. The building envelope parameters covered includes glazing performance (for both conventional and innovative technologies) and opaque wall performance (with a focus on specific details to reduce thermal bridging rather than increasing insulation levels). The analysis presented draws upon three dimensional (“3D”) thermal modeling, whole building energy analysis, field testing and monitoring, and typical construction costs. The goal is to develop realistic targets for high-rise buildings and identify improvements that can be arrived at by market forces rather than those that can only be realized through more stringent and enforceable codes and standards

(This entry contains a conference paper and presentation in PDF. For optimal viewing, open in Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

Christian Cianfrone, Building Energy Specialist, Morrison Hershfield, Burnaby, BC
Patrick J, Roppel, Building Science Specialist, Morrison Hershfield, Burnaby, BC
Dieter Hardock, Product Manager, Schöck Bauteile GmbH, Baden-Baden, Germany
BEST4 Conference proceedings
Presented at: 
BEST4 Conference
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
BEST4 Technical Committee, National Institute of Building Sciences

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