Integration of BIM and RFID in Steel Construction

Oct 01, 2010

Construction professionals often have to select from or combine best options to improve the accuracy and certainty of the decision-making processes. For example, steel erectors need to decide on the steel connections, equipment selections, labor arrangements, operation and loading problems. As a combination of all the project data, building information models (BIM) display project data in a designed systematic model that helps with steel construction. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags can support the tracking of component delivery and installation onsite. BIM components that include references to RFID tags can automatically update building product data and construction process data when linked to field scanning devices.

Wei Shi, PhD, adjunct professor, University of Arkansas
Haiyan Xie, PhD, PE, PC, MASCE, University of Arkansas
Raja R.A. Issa, PhD, JD, PE, FASCE, University of Florida
Journal of Building Information Modeling (JBIM) National Institute of Building Sciences
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buildingSMART alliance (National Institute of Building Sciences)

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