The Legal Revolution in Construction

Apr 01, 2009

Revolutionary collaborative agreements are the keystone to construction productivity and energy savings that flow from the intelligent use of building information models and lean construction processes. New contracts are being developed that assist use of advanced technologies in innovative and profitable ways. Effective use of BIM software and lean construction processes are proven to work in case-by-case applications. However, to assist repeatable processes and predictable results, it is important to establish a flexible legal form of agreement that can give confidence to teams ready to produce significant work on accelerated schedules. With BIM and lean construction processes acting as two supporting segments of an arch and collaborative agreements as the keystone of the arch, together they support productive and profitable integrated project delivery.

James L. Salmon, Esq. Founder, Collaborative Construction Resources, LLC
Journal of Building Information Modeling (JBIM) National Institute of Building Sciences
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buildingSMART alliance (National Institute of Building Sciences)

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