Maximizing Cost Benefits of Post-Construction Evaluation

Jan 01, 1976

Every field has its catch phrases and in terms that are used though the term is ambiguous in meaning. The widespread use of the phrase post-construction evaluation is a current example in the man-environment field. This process is approached here as being most valuable when it is utilized as a means for decision-makers to learn from past experiences. Given the belief that the decision-maker's involvement is a necessary part of post-construction evaluation as applied research, three models are presented and analyzed in terms of their potential to generate beneficial feedback to decision-makers. Suggestions are given for courses of action to bridge the applicability gap.

Edward R. Ostrander, PhD (Cornell University)
Bettye Rose Connell, MS (Cornell University)
EDRA7/1976 Proceedings
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Published & professionally reviewed by: 
Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA)

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