Neuroscience of the Golden Ratio
Sep 20, 2012

The golden ratio is a noted to be approximately 1/1.618. Modern architects continue to utilize the golden ratio. Why has it persisted and why is it an appealing paradigm? Is there more to this ratio than simple familiarity? Is there a neurological basis for its appeal? An exploration of how the brain and mind perceive the golden ratio will be discussed. An interpretation of how these neural-based findings could be used to maximize the use of the golden ratio in architecture by designing experiments to monitor neuronal activity in individuals viewing or experiencing architectural mock-ups, renderings, or virtual reality will be discussed.
(Conference Poster)
Presented at:
2012 ANFA Conference (Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA)
Published & professionally reviewed by:
Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture
Research Format:
Research Use:
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