A One Man User Group: The Architect Becomes a Patient

Dec 01, 1999

In 1998, this healthcare architect was admitted through the emergency room to an inpatient medical unit for a week of tests, intravenous feedings, and antibiotics. What he learned during this reflective period of illness and healing will strongly influence the remaining years of his career.

As healthcare architects, the author asserts that we are in a position to advise, encourge, motivate, and incite out clients to do the right thing instead of making do. Our designs strongly
impact the experience of the patient and create a lasting impression of a hospital and its commitment to caring. It is hoped that the design lessons learned here will benefit other architects and patients.

David J. Reichard, AIA (Helman Hurley Charvat Peacock/Architects, Inc.)
The Academy Journal of the Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH)
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
The American Institute of Architects

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