Performance by Design: An Energy Analysis of AIA/COTE Top Ten Projects

This study investigates the energy performance of buildings recognized by the Top Ten Green Projects award from the American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment (COTE). Actual energy use data was gathered for 28 projects for all fuel types. This energy use data is then compared to the energy use of a typical building of a similar type using Portfolio Manager, either by calculating an ENERGY STAR rating or by comparing the energy use to a national average for a similar building type. The researcher developed a methodology to further study buildings as cases, including a set of interview questions to identify important points in the design and delivery of a building that may affect its actual energy use. From the list of buildings with ENERGY STAR ratings, three were selected for the case study phase. The researcher then conducted a series of phone interviews, revealing crucial aspects of each design process.
This is a report from the AIA/AIAS COTE Research Fellowship 2009.
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