Research summary: Rethinking Openness: Courthouses in the United States

Dec 31, 2012

This study investigated the meanings of openness in respect to courthouse design from the viewpoints of designers and critics. Their conceptions and interpretations were obtained in the context of several recent federal and state courthouse projects in the United States. The full article offers a comparative assessment of the openness dimensions and security needs. The study suggests that openness attributes can be incorporated in courthouses without compromising security. Moreover, areas posing conflict can be creatively addressed to develop solutions that enhance both security and openness.

This research summary, prepared by the AIA Academy of Architecture for Justice (AAJ) in 2012, includes implications for design practice and is adapted from:
Authors: Pati D., Assistant Professor, Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Orissa, India; Bose M., Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, Pennsylvania State University in State College, Pennsylvania; Zimring C., Professor, Architecture and Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology
Article Title: Rethinking Openness: Courthouses in the United States
Publisher: Locke Science Publishing Company, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA
Publication: Journal of Architectural and Planning Research
Publication Type: Peer-reviewed
Date of Publication: 2007
Volume: 24
Issue: 4
Pages: 308-324
Country of Study: USA
Search Related Keywords: Courthouse; Courthouse Architecture; Courthouse Design; Justice Architecture; Justice Design; Openness; Courthouse Security

Debajyoti Pati (Texas Tech University)
Diana Sabouni (Texas Tech University)
Sipra Pati (Texas Tech University)
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
The American Institute of Architects

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