Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA)

The Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) is a global interdisciplinary community of research and design professionals, educators, and students. EDRA advances and disseminates environmental design research, thereby improving understanding of the interrelationships between people, their built and natural surroundings, and helping to create environments responsive to human needs.

Founded in 1969, EDRA celebrates more than 40 years of research-based innovations for all built and natural environments. EDRA’s roots are strong and flourishing. The organization’s vibrant network of visionaries have anticipated movements in research and design decades before they have hit the mainstream. EDRA’s lineage of members have pioneered environment & behavior studies, evidence-based design, facility evaluation methods, sustainability, active living community planning, universal design, diversity in design, workplace design and informatics, and digital technologies. At EDRA, researchers and practitioners work together to create places where people thrive. For more information, visit www.edra.org.

Research Submitted

Titlesort ascending Author Date
Design Research Programs of the United States Postal Service Jay Farbstein (Jay Farbstein & Associates), Min Kantrowitz (Min Kantrowitz & Associates), John Hughes-Caley (United States Postal Service), Brian Schermer (Jay Farbstein & Associates) Jan 01, 1988
Design of Learning Environments for Infants Richard Allen Chase (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine), D. Michael Williams (Long Island University), Doris W. Welcher (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine), John J. Fisher III (Environmental Programs Inc.), Sylvia E. Gfeller (Enviromental Programs Inc.) Jan 01, 1974
Desigining to Reinforce the Mental Image, an Infant Learning Environment Charles H. Burnette, PhD, AIA (Philadelphia Chapter, American Institute of Architects) Jan 01, 1972
Coping and Adapting to the High School Environment James G. Kelly (University of Michigan) Jan 01, 1972
Content and Construct Validity of the Early Childhood Physical Environment Rating Scale (ECPERS) Takemi Sugiyama (University of Sydney), Gary T. Moore (University of Sydney) Jan 01, 2005
Color Design in Healthcare Environments: Theoretical Observations Benyamin Schwarz (University of Missouri), Ruth Brent Tofle (University of Missouri) Jan 01, 2005
Children's Experiences with Vegetation on School Grounds, Their Botanical Knowledge and Environment Margarete R. Harvey Jan 01, 1989
Buildings, Memory and Wayfinding Mark D. Gross (Design Technology Research), Craig Zimring (Georgia Institute of Technology) Jan 01, 1990
Building Typologies: An Inquiry Lynda H. Schneekloth (State University of New York, Buffalo), Ellen Marie Bruce (The Caucus Partnership) Jan 01, 1989
Building the Imagery of San Francisco: An Analysis of Controversy Over High-Rise Development, 1970-1971 Alcira Kreimer (University of California, Berkeley) Jan 01, 1973
