International Academy for Design & Health (IADH)

The International Academy for Design & Health (IADH) is a global non-profit organization with an interdisciplinary knowledge community dedicated to the stimulation and application of research concerning the interaction between design, health, science, culture, and economics. Founded in 1997, the aim of the IADH is to provide a highly visible global forum for promoting an ongoing international exchange of research findings among scientists, designers, health professionals, industry, and Ministries of Health worldwide.

Fundamental to the Academy's work is the development of a theoretical understanding of the importance of salutogenic design and its application in the design of physical environments that prevent disease and support and promote human health, well-being, and quality of life. The Academy offers an inclusive environment for collaborating with its government, academic, and professional partners around the world. For more information, visit

Research Submitted

Titlesort ascending Author Date
Participatory Planning and Design of a New Children’s Hospital Aase Eriksen, Ph.D. Jul 01, 2000
New Dimensions for Future Healthcare Facilities Romano Del Nord (University of Florence, Italy) Jul 01, 2005
Moving towards a New Vision for Healthcare: The McGill University Health Centre, Montreal Donna Riley, Nicolas Steinmetz Jul 01, 2000
Managing Change: The Application of Open Building in the INO Bern Hospital Stephen Kendall, PhD, RA (Ball State University) Jul 01, 2005
Integrating Human Centered Design Principals in Progressive Health Facilities Jeff Stouffer, AIA Jul 01, 2000
Humanizing Healthcare: Fitness/Wellness Centers as the Community Locus for Health Promotion J. Thomas Seymour, AIA Jul 01, 2003
Hospital Design for Emotional and Cultural Needs Eberhard H. Zeidler, FRAIC, Hon. FAIA (Zeidler Grinnell Partnership) Jul 01, 2005
High Touch, High Tech, High Flexibility – Reducing Obsolescence in Patient Care Environments Mohinder S. Datta, AIA (Kaplan McLaughlin Diaz) Jul 01, 2000
Healthy Workplace Design for Healthcare Staff Jeanette Paul, BArch (Hons) RIBA (University of Dundee, Scotland) Jul 01, 2005
Healthcare Procurements Methods David Stark (Keppie Design) Jul 01, 2005
