Innovative High Performance Thermal Building Insulation Materials - Todays State-of-the-Art and Beyond Tomorrow |
Apr 02, 2012 |
Bjørn Petter Jelle (SINTEF Department of Matierials and Structure), Arild Gustavsen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Ruben Baetens (Catholic University of Leuven) |
Energy Performance Analysis of Building Envelopes Utilizing Blown Fiber Insulation with Microencapsulated Phase Change Material (PCM) |
Apr 02, 2012 |
E. Kossecka (Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences), J. Kośny (Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems), D. W. Yarbrough (R&D Services) |
Use of Thermal Inertia for Reduction of HVAC Energy Consumption in Cooling Dominated and Mixed Climates |
Apr 13, 2015 |
Jan Kośny, Fraunhofer CSE, Boston, MA, USA, Elizabeth Kossecka, Polish Academy Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, Ali Fallahi, Fraunhofer CSE, Boston, MA, USA, David Yarbrough, R&D Services, Inc., Cookeville, TN, USA |
Low-Cost Bio-Based Phase Change Materials as an Energy Storage Medium in Building Envelopes |
Apr 13, 2015 |
Kaushik Biswas, Energy and Transportation Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridg, Nitin Shukla, Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems, USA, Jan Kosny, Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems, USA, Ramin Abhari, Renewable Energy Group Synthetic Fuels, LLC (formerly Syntroleum), Tulsa, OK, USA |