Building Performance Analysis Considering Climate Change

Apr 06, 2015

By analyzing a case study building’s thermal performance, specifically lifecycle energy use, for multiple climate change scenarios and in different climate zones, it is possible to inspect the resilience of passive design strategies over time. Varying the solar heat gain coefficient (SGHC) was the first strategy tested. To estimate the building’s future performance, three projected future climate conditions were created (for low, moderate, and severe climate change) in three climate zones for three different time periods (2020s, 2050s, and 2080s).

keywords: Climate Change, Climate Zones, Energy Performance, Passive Strategies, Weather Files

Yiyu Chen (University of Southern California)
Karen Kensek (University of Southern California)
Joon-Ho Choi (University of Southern California)
Marc Schiler (University of Southern California)
Presented at: 
ARCC 2015 Conference – The FUTURE of Architectural Research (Chicago, IL)
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC)
University of Massachusetts Amherst

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