The American Institute of Architects

Founded in 1857, members of the American Institute of Architects consistently work to create more valuable, healthy, secure, and sustainable buildings. Through nearly 300 state and local chapters, the AIA advocates for public policies that promote economic vitality and public well being. Members adhere to a code of ethics and conduct to ensure the highest professional standards. The AIA provides members with tools and resources to assist them in their careers and business as well as engaging civic and government leaders, and the public to find solutions to pressing issues facing our communities, institutions, nation and world. For more information, visit
Research Submitted
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Author | Date |
Research summary: Recommended Changes for Supermax Prisons | Caren Martin (Martin & Guerin Design Research, LLC), Denise Guerin (Martin & Guerin Design Research, LLC) | Dec 31, 2014 |
Research summary: Relationship between Prison Conditions, Inmate Characteristics, and Suicide | Caren Martin (Martin & Guerin Design Research, LLC), Denise Guerin (Martin & Guerin Design Research, LLC) | Dec 31, 2014 |
Research summary: Rethinking Openness: Courthouses in the United States | Debajyoti Pati (Texas Tech University), Diana Sabouni (Texas Tech University), Sipra Pati (Texas Tech University) | Dec 31, 2012 |
Research summary: Three Generations of Evaluation and Design of Correctional Facilities | Debajyoti Pati (Texas Tech University), Kate Haenchen (Texas Tech University), Sipra Pati (Texas Tech University) | Dec 31, 2012 |
Research-Based Design and Green Buildings: Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between Students, Faculty and Practitioners | Kalina Vander Poel (Portland State University), Corey Griffin (Portland State University) | Apr 26, 2017 |
Researching the ‘80’s | The AIA Research Corporation | Apr 01, 1980 |
Residential Site Environments and Yard Activities of Older Adults | Zhe Wang (Texas A&M University), Susan Rodiek (Texas A&M University), Mardelle Shepley (Texas A&M University) | Dec 10, 2008 |
Resilient Homes Online Design Aide: Connecting Research and Practice for Socially Resilient Communities | David Fannon (Northeastern University), Michelle Laboy (Northeastern University) | Jun 22, 2018 |
RhinoCircular: Development and Testing of a Circularity Indicator Tool for Application in Early Design Phases and Architectural Education | Felix Heisel (Cornell University), Cameron Nelson (Cornell University) | Oct 02, 2020 |
Rhizolith Island: Prototyping a Resilient Coastal Infrastructure | Julie Larsen (Syracuse University), Roger Hubeli (Syracuse University) | Jun 22, 2018 |