Architectural Research Centers Consortium, Inc. (ARCC)

The Architectural Research Centers Consortium, Inc. (ARCC) is an international association of architectural research centers committed to the expansion of the research culture and a supporting infrastructure in architecture and related design disciplines. Since its founding as a non-profit corporation in 1976, ARCC has represented a concerted commitment to the improvement of the physical environment and the quality of life.

Historically, ARCC's members have been schools of architecture who have made substantial commitments to architectural research, often by forming centers directed to research programs. At the same time, ARCC has sponsored many projects, conferences, and other activities involving the broader architectural research community, including industrial laboratories, government agencies, and private practitioners engaged in research. For more information, visit

Research Submitted

Title Author Datesort ascending
State of the Art Methodology to Assess Energy Facade Retrofits (EFR) Andrea Martinez (University of Southern California, Anders Carlson (University of Southern California) Feb 12, 2014
Intersection of Understanding: The Digital, Tactile and Physical in Fabric Architecture Anna Kindt (University of Oregon), Amy Fisher (University of Oregon), Erin Fox (University of Oregon), Mark Donofrio (University of Oregon) Feb 12, 2014
Suitability for Infill Development: A Multi-criteria and Spatial Assessment Approach Azza Kamal (The University of Texas at San Antonio) Feb 12, 2014
Perception is Reality: Visibility in Architectural Lighting Research Mary Ben Bonham (Miami University) Mar 27, 2013
Campus Buildings & Student Engagement in Institutional Sustainability Efforts Thomas Collins (University of Oregon) Mar 27, 2013
"A New Norris House": Making Criteria for Sustainable Landscapes Visible Tricia Stuth (University of Tennessee), Samuel Mortimer (University of Tennessee), Valerie Friedmann (University of Tennessee), John Buchanan (University of Tennessee) Mar 27, 2013
Design and Visualisation Strategies in Parametric Building Components Rodrigo García-Alvarado (Universidad del Bío-Bío) Mar 27, 2013
Biomimetic Performance Susannah Dickinson (University of Arizona) Mar 27, 2013
Performative Parametric Design of Radiation Responsive Screens Henry Marroquin (BRPH), Mate Thitisawat (Florida Atlantic University) , Emmanouil Vermisso (Florida Atlantic University) Mar 27, 2013
Revealing the Energy Efficiency of Housing in Chile Rodrigo García-Alvarado (Universidad del Bío-Bío) Mar 27, 2013
