Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA)

The Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) is a global interdisciplinary community of research and design professionals, educators, and students. EDRA advances and disseminates environmental design research, thereby improving understanding of the interrelationships between people, their built and natural surroundings, and helping to create environments responsive to human needs.

Founded in 1969, EDRA celebrates more than 40 years of research-based innovations for all built and natural environments. EDRA’s roots are strong and flourishing. The organization’s vibrant network of visionaries have anticipated movements in research and design decades before they have hit the mainstream. EDRA’s lineage of members have pioneered environment & behavior studies, evidence-based design, facility evaluation methods, sustainability, active living community planning, universal design, diversity in design, workplace design and informatics, and digital technologies. At EDRA, researchers and practitioners work together to create places where people thrive. For more information, visit www.edra.org.

Research Submitted

Title Author Datesort descending
The Evaluation of Family Satisfaction with the Design of the Stacked Maisonette Dr. Robert J. Beck, PhD (Universite de Montreal), Robert Rowan (Universite de Montreal), Pierre Teasdale (Universite de Montreal) Jan 01, 1974
Predicting User Responses to Buildings Robert G. Hershberger (Arizona State University), Robert C. Cass (Arizona State University) Jan 01, 1974
The Performance Concept as a Model Linking Research and Design Robert Wehrli (National Bureau of Standards) Jan 01, 1974
Automated Generation of Minimum Energy Cost Building Designs: A Response of Computer-Aided Design William J. Mitchell (University of California, Los Angeles) Jan 01, 1975
Maximizing Cost Benefits of Post-Construction Evaluation Edward R. Ostrander, PhD (Cornell University), Bettye Rose Connell, MS (Cornell University) Jan 01, 1976
Evaluation of the Built Environment: Lessons from Program Evaluation David E. Campbell (University of Kansas) Jan 01, 1976
The Hidden Structure of Children's Play in an Urban Environment Stephen Grabow, PhD (University of Kansas), Neil J. Salkind, PhD (University of Kansas) Jan 01, 1976
Sixty Years of Transition in a Planned Company Town, with a Portrayal of Current Resident Evaluations Arnold R. Alanen (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Jan 01, 1976
Some Prospects for Simulating Human Behavior in High-Rise Building Fires: A Pilot Demonstration Fred I. Stahl (The City University of New York) Jan 01, 1976
The Effects of an Environmental Intervention on Racial Polarization in a Youth Training School Daniel Stokols (University of California, Irvine), David G. Marrero (University of California, Irvine) Jan 01, 1976
