Reducing Carbon and Improving Thermal Comfort for an Orphan Village in Rural Liberia |
Oct 02, 2020 |
Joshua D. Lee (Carnegie Mellon University), Leila Sai Srinivasan (AECOM) |
Can Increasing Energy Performance Be a Key to Unlocking Rural Home Affordability? |
Oct 02, 2020 |
David Hinson (Auburn University), Rusty Smith (Auburn University Rural Studio), Bruce Kitchell, Mackenzie Stagg (Auburn University Rural Studio), Elizabeth Farrell Garcia (Auburn University Rural Studio), Betsy Burnet |
Contingent Contexts in the German Country Schools of Gillespie County, Texas |
Jun 14, 2017 |
Ben K. Shacklette, AIA (Texas Tech University) |
Place-Bound Relationship: The Missing Components in the New Socialist Countryside |
Jun 14, 2017 |
Wei Zhao (University of Utah) |
Exploring Alternatives for Critical Access Hospitals: Research-based Design for Rural Hospitals |
Jun 14, 2017 |
Hui Cai (University of Kansas), Kent Spreckelmeyer (University of Kansas), Frank Zilm (University of Kansas), Mario Medina (University of Kansas), Hugo Sheward (University of Kansas), Paola Sanguinetti (University of Kansas) |
Approach to a Scientific Design Method for Programmable Schools towards ‘NeuroArchitecture’ |
Sep 23, 2016 |
José Wagner Garcia, Architect, Ph.D. (Noosfera Projetos Especiais Ltda., São Paulo, Brazil), Matías Nieto Tolosa (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain), Aristides Pavani Filho (CTI Renato Archer & CTI Nordeste, Brazil) |
One Project at a Time: Service and Learning Applied in Appalachian Communities |
May 13, 2015 |
D. Jason Miller (Appalachian State University), R. Chadwick Everhart (Appalachian State University) |
Collaborative Solid Wood Construction Case Study |
Apr 06, 2015 |
Erin Carraher (University of Utah), Jörg Rügemer (University of Utah) |
Redefining Rural Care: Peace Island Medical Center |
Aug 05, 2013 |
Rural Design: Establishing the Research Foundation for a New Design Discipline |
Jun 23, 2010 |
Dewey Thorbeck, FAIA, FAAR (University of Minnesota) |
Practical Research Is an Ongoing Discourse of Uncertainty |
Jun 23, 2010 |
David Perkes (Mississippi State University), Kristen Zeiber (Mississippi State University) |