Energy-Efficient Hospital Lighting Strategies Pay Off Quickly

Jul 01, 2011

Lighting is a significant component of hospital energy use, representing more than 10 percent of energy consumption. Further, lighting boosts the demand for cooling because every watt of electricity used for lighting generates heat. Energy-efficient lighting strategies, whether used in new construction or in retrofits of existing facilities, yield major savings and have a short payback period. Lighting demands of hospitals are complex due to their round- the-clock nature and the effects of lighting on patients and staff. Lighting, however, abounds with opportunities for energy savings. This fact sheet was developed by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Hospital Energy Alliance to assist hospital facilities managers and operators in using effective, energy-efficient technologies and practices to reduce lighting-related energy costs while maintaining and enhancing the hospital environment.

Kristen Taddonio
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
Building Technologies Program Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy

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