National Institute of Building Sciences

The National Institute of Building Sciences is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that successfully brings together representatives of government, the professions, industry, labor and consumer interests, and regulatory agencies to focus on the identification and resolution of problems and potential problems that hamper the construction of safe, affordable structures for housing, commerce and industry throughout the United States. Authorized by the U.S. Congress, the Institute provides an authoritative source and a unique opportunity for free and candid discussion among private and public sectors within the built environment. The Institute's mission to serve the public interest is accomplished by supporting advances in building sciences and technologies for the purpose of improving the performance of our nation's buildings while reducing waste and conserving energy and resources. For more information visit

Research Submitted

Titlesort descending Author Date
Case Study: Passive House Construction in Kansas City David Hawkins, Prairie Design build, David Schleicher, Prairie Design Build Apr 13, 2015
Challenges and Failures in Green Building Design Using Under-floor Air Distribution Ken A. Urbanek (MKK Consulting Engineers, Inc.) Apr 02, 2012
Challenges and Opportunities in Deep Envelope Retrofitting Paul Bertram, FCSI, CDT, Director: Environment, Sustainability, Government Affairs Kingspan Insul Apr 13, 2015
Characteristics and Use of Home Health Care by Men and Women Aged 65 and Over Adrienne L. Jones, BS, Division of Health Care Statistics, Lauren Harris-Kojetin, PhD, Division of Health Care Statistics, Roberto Valverde, MPH, Division of Health Care Statistics Apr 18, 2012
Checklist for Infection Control Concerns When Reopening Healthcare Facilities Closed Due to Extensive Water and Wind Damages Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Jul 10, 2014
Chemical/Biological/Radiaton (CBR) Safety of the Building Envelope Rob Bolin, PE, Syska Hennessy Group Nov 23, 2009
Classification + Reference Standards for UHPC in Architectural Applications George Quercia, PhD, Director of Research, TAKTL LLC, Kevin Gannon, RA, Director of Program Development, TAKTL LLC Apr 16, 2018
Clinic Design Post-Occupancy Evaluation Toolkit Center for Healthcare Design Nov 01, 2015
Commercial Construction BIM Course Created for Academia Shanna Schmelter, Alumni Graduate Teaching Assistant at Purdue University, Clark Cory, Associate Professor of Computer Graphics at Purdue University Apr 01, 2009
Comparisons of Thermal Performance and Energy Consumption of Facades Used in Commercial Buildings Lawence D. Carbary (Dow Corning Corp.), Valerie Hayez (Dow Corning Corp.), Andreas Wolf (Dow Corning Corp.), Mahabir Bhandan (Dow Corning Corp.) Apr 12, 2010
