Productive Environment
Productive Environment includes meeting the needs of building owners and users through functional programming—i.e., spatial needs and requirements, system performance.
Title | Date | Author |
Observation of User Activity Patterns in Open and Traditional Plan School Environments | Jan 01, 1972 | Jerome T. Durlak (York University), Barbara S. Beardsley (Metropolitan Toronto School Board), John S. Murray (Metropolitan Toronto School Board) |
An Integrated Methodology for Office Building Elevator Design | Jan 01, 1973 | Margaret A. Frederking (Carnegie Mellon University), Alton J. Penz (Carnegie Mellon University) |
Interim Study of Procedures for Investigating the Effect of Light on Impression and Behavior | Oct 01, 1973 | John E. Flynn, Terry J. Spencer, Osyp Martyniuk, Clyde Hendrick |
Maximizing Cost Benefits of Post-Construction Evaluation | Jan 01, 1976 | Edward R. Ostrander, PhD (Cornell University), Bettye Rose Connell, MS (Cornell University) |
Sixty Years of Transition in a Planned Company Town, with a Portrayal of Current Resident Evaluations | Jan 01, 1976 | Arnold R. Alanen (University of Wisconsin-Madison) |
The Effects of an Environmental Intervention on Racial Polarization in a Youth Training School | Jan 01, 1976 | Daniel Stokols (University of California, Irvine), David G. Marrero (University of California, Irvine) |
A Guide to Methodology Procedures for Measuring Subjective Impressions in Lighting | Jan 01, 1979 | John E. Flynn, AIA/FIES, Clyde Hendrick, Terry Spencer, Osyp Martyniuk |
The Uses and Boundaries of Post Occupancy Evaluation | Jan 01, 1988 | Harvey Z. Rabinowitz (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) |
Advances in Post-Occupancy Evaluation Methods | Jan 01, 1988 | Jay Farbstein (Jay Farbstein & Associates) |
Design Research Programs of the United States Postal Service | Jan 01, 1988 | Jay Farbstein (Jay Farbstein & Associates), Min Kantrowitz (Min Kantrowitz & Associates), John Hughes-Caley (United States Postal Service), Brian Schermer (Jay Farbstein & Associates) |
Advances in POE Methods | Jan 01, 1988 | Robert B. Bechtel (University of Arizona) |
Towards a Performance-Based Conceptual Framework for Systematic POEs | Jan 01, 1988 | Wolfgang F.E. Preiser (University of New Mexico) |
Post-Occupancy Evaluation and Implicit Theories of Organizational Decision-Making | Jan 01, 1988 | Craig M. Zimring (Georgia Institute of Technology) |
Buildings, Memory and Wayfinding | Jan 01, 1990 | Mark D. Gross (Design Technology Research), Craig Zimring (Georgia Institute of Technology) |
Designing Health Promotive Environments | Jan 01, 1991 | DanieI Stokols (University of California, Irvine) |
Application of Environmental Evaluation By Hospital Users in Health Care Facility Management | Jan 01, 1992 | Akikazu Kato (Nagoya University), Hisashi Komatsu (Nagoya University) |
Design Evaluation of 6 Primary Care Facilities for the Purpose of Informing Future Design Decisions | Jan 01, 1993 | Min Kantrowitz & Associates |
A Research-Based Environment: A NICU That Feels Like Home | Oct 01, 1998 | Susan T. Williams, AIA (E. Lynn App Architects, Inc.), Cynthia A. Burger, RN, BSN (The Children's Medical Center, Dayton, OH) |
Designing a Primary Care Center to Meet Consumer Needs | Oct 01, 1998 | Marianne L. Weber, AIA, NCARB (E. Lynn App Architects), Richard J. Schuster, MD, FACP (Sycamore Primary Care Group) |
Emergency Departments: The New Front Door | Oct 01, 1998 | Beth Leslie Glasser, AIA (Anshen+Allen, Architects) |
The Fairview Lakes Regional Medical Center: Creating and Establishing a New Health Care Model | Oct 01, 1998 | Scott Wordelman (Fairview Redwing Health Center), Donald K. Lemonds, AIA (JMGR Inc.), Howard Goltz, AIA (Setter, Leach & Lindstrom, Inc) |
Observation of Care Units: An Essential of Emergency Departments | Oct 01, 1998 | Helen C. D'Souza, MHA, ACHE, MGMA, Daneil J. Miesle, MHA, CHE, ACHE, AHA |
Partnering Penrose Hospital Surgical Renovation | Oct 01, 1998 | John C. Hoelscher, AIA (RTA Architects) |
Right-Sizing Your Outpatient Surgery Suite | Oct 01, 1998 | William Sheely, AIA (The Orcutt/Winslow Partnership) |
A New Concept in Convenient Community Care: Physicians Plus | Jul 01, 1999 | W. Jerry Murray, AIA, NCARB (Rooney Clinger Murray, Architects) |