Architectural Research Centers Consortium, Inc. (ARCC)

The Architectural Research Centers Consortium, Inc. (ARCC) is an international association of architectural research centers committed to the expansion of the research culture and a supporting infrastructure in architecture and related design disciplines. Since its founding as a non-profit corporation in 1976, ARCC has represented a concerted commitment to the improvement of the physical environment and the quality of life.

Historically, ARCC's members have been schools of architecture who have made substantial commitments to architectural research, often by forming centers directed to research programs. At the same time, ARCC has sponsored many projects, conferences, and other activities involving the broader architectural research community, including industrial laboratories, government agencies, and private practitioners engaged in research. For more information, visit

Research Submitted

Title Author Datesort descending
Contextual Fields: Design Methods in the Construction of Lever House Robert Holton (Louisiana State University) Apr 06, 2015
Dynamic Solar Design Heath May (HKS LINE) Apr 06, 2015
A Parametric Metamorphosis of Islamic Geometric Patterns: The Extraction of New from Traditional Mostafa Alani (Clemson University), Carlos Barrios (Clemson University) Apr 06, 2015
Method and the Absence of Modernism Philip D. Plowright (Lawrence Technological University) Apr 06, 2015
Evaluative Place-making of the Arts and Craft Movement: A Sustainability Framework Jeanette Burman (University of Calgary, Canada), Brian R. Sinclair (University of Calgary, Canada; sinclairstudio inc.) Apr 06, 2015
Climate-responsive Evidence-based Green-Roof Design Decision Support Protocol for the U.S. Climate Spurthy Yogananda (University of Southern California), Joon Ho Choi (University of Southern California), Douglas Noble (University of Southern California) Apr 06, 2015
Post-petroleum Design: Practices and Principles George Elvin (Ball State University) Apr 06, 2015
Implementation of an Elevated Ground in Urban Cities Michelle Hook (University of Florida), Loran Newman (University of Florida) Apr 06, 2015
Building without Nails: Enabling Flexibility and Structural Integrity through Digital Prototyping Basem EID Mohamed (McGill University), Frederic Gemme (2BONE Structure | Simple Concept, Quebec), Aaron Sprecher (McGill University) Apr 06, 2015
Recalibrated: An Interdisciplinary, Studio-based Study of Massive Timber for Student Housing Dustin Albright (Clemson University) Apr 06, 2015
