design for health Subscribe to design for health

Title Datesort descending Author
Effects of Healthcare Environmental Design on Medical Outcomes Jul 01, 2000 Roger S. Ulrich, Ph.D. (Texas A&M University)
Seven Principles of Life-Enhancing Design: The Architecture of Erik Asmussen Jul 01, 2000 Gary J. Coates (Kansas State University)
Design for Enhanced Recovery Jul 01, 2000 John Wells-Thorpe
A Garden at Your Workplace May Reduce Stress Jul 01, 2003 Ulrika A. Stigsdotter
A New Paradigm of Design and Health Jul 01, 2003 Alan Dilani, Ph.D. (International Academy for Design and Health)
Designing the Work Environment for Worker Health and Productivity Jul 01, 2003 Jacqueline C. Vischer, Ph.D. (University of Montreal)
Health Promotion by Design in Elderly Care Jul 01, 2005 Agneta Morelli (International Academy for Design & Health), Alan Dilani
The Effect of Hospital Building on Patient Recovery Jul 01, 2005 Rotraut Walden, PhD (University in Koblenz, Germany)
Psychosocially Supportive Design as a Theory and Model to Promote Health Jul 01, 2005 Alan Dilani, Ph.D. (International Academy for Design and Health)
Workplace Design and Health Performance Jul 01, 2005 Elisabet Schell, RPT, MSc, PhD
Quantifiable Benefits of Access to Nature in Buildings Jan 01, 2009 Michelle Halle Stern, AIA, P.E., LEED Faculty (Perkins+Will), Tom Mozina, AIA, LEED AP (Perkins+Will), Gail Borthwick, AIA, LEED AP (Perkins+Will)
High Performance Hospital Partnerships: Reaching the 2030 Challenge and Improving the Health and Healing Environment Mar 09, 2009 Heather Burpee, Joel Loveland, Michael Hatten, Stan Price
Transcending Project Type – Principles for High Performance Interior Design: High Performance Interiors + Evidence-Based Design May 01, 2009 Joan Blumenfeld, FAIA, LEED AP (Perkins+Will), Carolyn BaRoss, ASID, IIDA, LEED AP (Perkins+Will), Sonya Dufner, ASID, LEED AP (Perkins+Will)
Office Design’s Influence on Employees’ Stress Levels Jun 23, 2010 Christina Bodin Danielsson (The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden), Lennart Bodin (Örebro University, Sweden)
Constitutional Ecology: The Case for Aligning Science and the Law in Urban Design Jul 01, 2013 David Green, AIA, LEED AP BD+C (Perkins+Will)
Population Health: The Health and Wellness of People and Communities Nov 15, 2013 Mason Couvillion, Lindsey Waters, Shannon Kraus, FAIA
A Study of a Neuro-Architectural Approach to Create Salutogenic Environments for Children Diagnosed with Autism Sep 18, 2014 Ayesha Ghazanfar (The University of Sheffield)
Designing Healthy Daylight into Buildings Sep 18, 2014 Caroline Paradise (IBI Group)
The Power to Restore Jan 01, 2015 Eileen Jones, AIGA
Therapeutic Goals of Hospice Care Environment: A Systematic Literature Review Apr 06, 2015 Sharmin Kader (University of Kansas), Keith Diaz Moore (University of Utah)
Urban Healthcare Apr 06, 2015 Kevin Moore (Auburn University), Christian Dagg (Auburn University)
Interscalar Design and Health Research Partnership: Research Integration into Curriculum and Practice May 13, 2015 Shane Ida Smith (University of Arizona), Esther M. Sternberg (University of Arizona), Arthur Chris Nelson (University of Arizona), Mary C. Hardin (University of Arizona)
Preventing Malaria through Housing Design May 13, 2015 Olivia Yost (ARCHIVE Global), Peter Williams (ARCHIVE Global)
A Vision and Planning Framework for Health Districts of the Future Dec 19, 2015 Basak Alkan, AICP, LEED AP (Perkins+Will)
Weathering the Storm: Mental Health and Resilient Design May 26, 2016 David Cordell, ASID, LEED AP ID+C (Perkins+Will), Jon Penndorf, AIA, LEED AP BD+C (Perkins+Will)
